Meet Mandy Lygrisse

Claims Manager

Where were you born and raised?

Wichita, KS

Proudest achievement?

Becoming a mom to my two beautiful children

How do you spend your weekends?

I spend most of the weekend chasing after kiddos, doing mounds of laundry, making extravagant forts and filling my home with laughter.

Any children?

Two children

Favorite sport?

Hands down, baseball

What did you want to be when you grew up?


Favorite quote:

Matthew 6:33: Go to God first, not last

What is something you love/encourages you about your job/workplace?

The environment that Aegis has is one of the best. From the top down, our leadership is built on integrity for our clients and their employees. You will never find another team that cares as much for their clients as the Aegis Group does.

Who is someone you admire and why?

My mom, even in the face of adversity she is always smiling and continues to make the best out of all situations no matter what God has next for her.

The best piece of advice you have been given is?

A wise and godly  woman knows where her strength comes from during times of trouble, prayer

Cats or dogs?


Where was your first job?

Pregnancy Crisis Center of Wichita

What is something you still have left on your bucket list?

Travel to Alaska

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

To snap my fingers for a clean house and all laundry done